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Working script with demo example for automation for cucumber selenium webdriver chrome js to fullscreen snapshot screenshot.

I had been struggling to find a decent working example for javascript selenium webdriver with chromedriver to do a fullpage screenshot, so finally i manage to make it…

Syntatic Sugar : Front End Trend

What is syntatic sugar? In computer science, syntactic sugar is syntax within a programming language that is designed to make things easier to read or to express. It…

Good READ for 2016: Sept

The landscapes of frontend development are changing very fast! Here are the new technologies on the front end that i personally believe will cultivate your interest & potentially…

CoffeeScript and Es2015 Ecmascript 6 Similarities

There are quite a lot of similarities of es6 features from coffescript. Based on what i researched and compared , i would conclude that Es6 borrowed alot from…

Real-Time Motion Dection in Mobile

So recently found this project which has alot of potential in shaping the future and vr context. Watch video below… or check youtube link here Real-time magnet…

Cool Tech: Face Detection using JS

Awhile ago, fiddled with some code on that. Checkout the project here.. You can find and play with source code here.

Infographic: Sql Joins

Javascript Declaration: Hoisting

Definition According to W3schools , In JavaScript, a variable can be declared after it has been used. In other words; a variable can be used before it has…

My Take: Web Developer vs Programmer vs Sofware Enginner vs Designer

Gamification – The play factor in work

Here is the definition: Gamification We can see how this feat is trending. Incorporating this factor will definitely improve motivation and break the mundane cycle. Below is a…