Nowadays, Java and Javascript are both rather common in app development.

Having the opportunity to converse with technical architects on this subject matter, studying numerous technical journal/blogs online and with my hands-on coding experience, here is my take on the subject of java vs javascript which happens to be a commonly asked interview questions for java web frontend / full stack developer.

You can find the studied reference links after[below] this article.

Perspective Java JavaScript
Background /History Java is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language created by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems. JavaScript is a scripting language that was created by the fine people at Netscape and was originally known as LiveScript
Environment Compiled + interpreted language; Java code is fist compiled into class files containing byte code and than executed by JVM. Java is run inside JVM and needs JDK or JRE for running. Code is directly executed by browse . One more difference which comes form this fact is that, , on there other hand JavaScript runs inside browser and browser commonly supports JavaScript.
Variables & Values Statically typed language. Variables are declared with type at compile time, and can only accept values permitted for that type.
Generally,uses .equals() to compare the actual contained string value. ‘==’ compares reference value instead.
Overriding Variable value storing is rigid.Example, To assign an integer to variable , it needs an int declaration from the start, assigning string value would cause compilation error. For function parameter, this is a convenience because the input checking type value is definitely known.
Not forgiving to null pointer exception.
Dynamic typed language.Variables are declared using vary keyword in JavaScript, and can accept different kinds of value e.g. String, numeric and boolean etc.

Possible to use ‘==’ to compare equaled string value and ‘===’ to compare strict type check as well.
Overriding variable value is flexible. Example, To assign an integer to variable , it needs an int declaration from the start, assigning string value along the way would not cause any error.For function parameter, this is a hassle because the input value checking type is not known definitely.
Forgiving to null pointer as it considers another value ‘type’.
Variables & Hoisting would not happened Can happen. Suggestion: use lint checker, and use strict checking.
Platform independence & Result Rendering Gap Code compiled to Bytecode Class file; makes it possible to run in any environment with same result, lower gap result in different environments. Code compiled in browser; makes it impossilbe to run in any browser due to browser support and different render of stack browser. Gap is high in different browser stack[environment.]
Platform independence & Result Rendering Gap Code compiled in JRE to Bytecode class file; makes it possible to run in any environment with same result, lower gap running code in different environment. Code compiled in browser; makes it impossilbe to run in any browser due to browser support and different render of stack browser. Gap is high in different browser stack[environment.]
Constructors Followed a specific rules like name must follow class, and no return type.. Doesn’t follow any specific rules. Generally just another function that adapt to behave like constructor.
